Welcome to Optimus Psychiatry - Where Mental Wellness Begins
We believe in a holistic approach to effectively treat and help our patients get better and that involves connecting your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. We listen to you, we support you, and we journey with you towards holistic wellness.
We combine medication management and psychotherapy, and together, we develop a treatment plan to get you to your goals. We value shared decision making which is why we always provide you education and adequate information about your diagnosis and treatment options so that you can make the best decision towards attaining your mental wellness and feeling good about yourself and the world around you.
Meet Sulaimon Bakre MD:
Dr. Sulaimon Bakre is a board certified psychiatrist in the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He acquired his medical degree from University of Ilorin College of Health Sciences, Nigeria. He moved to the United States to be at the fore front of practicing evidence base medicine, to treat patients with novel therapies and participate in cutting edge research. He earned a master’s degree in public health, epidemiology at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. This allowed him to participate in numerous research in the field of public health, medicine, and psychiatry and that led to several publications and contributions to knowledge in these respective fields.
He completed his residency training in psychiatry at Carilion Clinic-Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke, Virginia where he also won the researcher of the year award. He pursued a residency training in psychiatry to be a part of the system in a manner whereby he can shape the quality of treatment and the level of empathy we give, as psychiatrists and as citizens, to people struggling with mental illness, to help people who are suffering, to help answer the numerous questions in their heads, and to help them feel better. Dr. Bakre is well experienced in treating psychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, PTSD, psychotic disorders, substance use disorders, among others. He has experience treating patients from different cultural backgrounds and demographics, including veteran patients while he was working at Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Virginia.
Dr. Bakre understands the importance of shared decision making by providing you education and adequate information about your diagnosis and treatment options so that you can make the best decision towards attaining your mental wellness and feel good about yourself and the world around you.

Professional Associations:
American Psychiatric Association
Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians
Peer Reviewed Manuscripts and Abstracts– Published
Del Fabbro, A., Cagle, N., Martin, R., & Bakre, S. (2023). Providing Comprehensive Services to Treat Patients and the Inpatient Psychiatric Bed Crisis. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, 24(2.1).
Jileaeva, I., Bakre, S., Huff, L., & Ratnakaran, B. (2023). The Same Day on Repeat: A Unique Case of Persistent DÉjÀ Vu Phenomenon as a Long COVID Symptom in an Older Adult. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(3), S85-S86.
Bakre, S. A., Reddy, A., Sharp, H., Ayisire, O. E., Chugh, K., & Kablinger, A. S. (2022). Differences in Vitamin D Deficiency in Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(10), S150.
Bakre S., Chugh K., Oke O., & Kablinger A. (2022) COVID-19 Induced Brief Psychotic Disorder: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Case Reports in Psychiatry.
DeMoss D., Teigen K., Claassen C., Fisk M., Blair S., Bakre S., Hurd C., & Rush A. (2020). The Association between Depression and Hypertension in the Context of Classic and Revised Blood Pressure Thresholds. Family Practice.
Andaluz, A., DeMoss, D., Claassen, C., Blair, S., Hsu, J., Bakre, S., ... & Rush, A. J. (2020). Fixed-dose gabapentin augmentation in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: a retrospective, open-label study. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 46(1), 49-57.
Bakre, S. A., Al-Farra, T. S., & Al-Farra, S. (2019). Diffuse alveolar damage and e-cigarettes: case report and review of literature. Respiratory medicine case reports, 28, 100935.
Okunowo, O., Orimoloye H., Bakre S., Njesada N., & Ambe S. (2019). Age-and body weight-dependent association between sleep duration and hypertension in US adults: findings from the 2014-2017 National Health Interview Survey. Sleep health.
Desai, P. P., Lampe, J. B., Bakre, S. A., Basha, R. M., Jones, H. P., & Vishwanatha, J. K. (2018). Evidence-based approaches to reduce cancer health disparities: Discover, develop, deliver, and disseminate. Journal of Carcinogenesis, 17(1), 1. DOI: 10.4103/jcar.JCar_13_17
Poster Presentations
Sulaimon Bakre, Oluwatomiwa Babade, Kritika Chugh, Abhishek Reddy, Anita Kablinger (2023). The Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Children and Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder During the Covid-19 Pandemic. American Psychiatric Association Conference, May 2023, San Francisco.
Jileaeva, I., Bakre, S., Huff, L., & Ratnakaran, B. (2023). The Same Day on Repeat: A Unique Case of Persistent DÉjÀ Vu Phenomenon as a Long COVID Symptom in an Older Adult. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(3), S85-S86.
Bakre, S. A., Reddy, A., Sharp, H., Ayisire, O. E., Chugh, K., & Kablinger, A. S. (2022). 1.28 Differences in Vitamin D Deficiency in Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD During the COVID-19 Pandemic. AACAP Conference Oct 2022.
Bakre, S., Kablinger, A., & Arsura E. (Sep 2020). Late Dumping Syndrome in a Patient with Severe Major Depressive Disorder. Presented at Psychiatry Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, Sep 26, 2020, Roanoke, VA.
Claassen C., Smith L., Bakre S., & Farooq M. (May 2018). JPS Suicide Risk Monitoring Tool to Inform
Decision-Making about Ongoing Level of Inpatient Care among Suicidal Patients: Preliminary Psychometrics Poster presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting May 5-9, 2018; New York City, NY, USA.
Bakre, S., Spohr, S., & Migala, W. (July 2017). Individual Risk Factors for 30-day Readmission after Discharge to
Skilled Nursing Facilities Poster presented at: University of North Texas Health Science Center Practice